This week, the Seven Generations Education Institute’s First Nation Student Success Program Teachers – Kim Kirk, Shelly Jones, Aimee Beazley and Jane Tom – were special guests in our Child Study in Education MA math course with the second-year teacher candidates.
The FNSSP teacher team shared the inspiring work being done by Seven Generations Education Institute to support educators and students in Federal First Nation schools in Treaty #3 territory.
Jane Tom led the class with a series of “quick image activities” which she developed as a Grade 1/2 teacher at Pegamigaabo School in Big Grassy First Nation, while working with the Robertson Program. The CSE MA student workshop is another example of our ongoing and inspiring collaborative work together. You can use Jane’s Quick Images in your own classroom – click here to access Jane’s lessons in our Math Library.
Students were enthusiastically engaged with Jane’s mathematical challenges. One activity involved being briefly shown a projected image created with Base Ten blocks, visualizing the image, then recreating that image with math materials provided and finally, giving the number that the blocks represent. Watch the video at the bottom of this post to see the excitement in the class.