Robertson Blog

Robertson team visits Treaty #3 to collaborate with Seven Generations Education Institute and Rainy River District School Board: Coding, creating a new “friendly” math assessment, and planning our Oct 2018 conference

The Robertson Program team was invited by Seven Generations Education Institute to Treaty #3 Territory (Fort Frances, Ontario) last week to work alongside our educational partners at Seven Generations Education Institute and the Rainy River District School Board. Planning our upcoming conference with Seven Generations’ First Nation Student Success Program and
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“We Don’t Think of It in Terms of Math, It’s Just the Way of Life”: New publication features our PD that makes meaningful connections with communities

Our work is highlighted in the 2018 volume of Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME), the prestigious publication published by the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. This volume highlights ways in which mathematics teaching and learning can be a humane, positive, and powerful experience for students who are Black, Indigenous, and/or Latinx.

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Number Buddies: Providing Math Support for Syrian Refugee Children

by Deborah Benhamu Prior to arriving in Canada, many Syrian refugee children experienced significant disruptions and/or limited access to education. Syrian students also face cultural and language barriers when integrating into the Canadian school system. As an  MA/CSE student, I approached OISE Professor Dr. Esther Geva and together we thought

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Teacher candidates hold mathematics inquiry mini conference at JICS/OISE

The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study hosted an exciting mathematics inquiry conference this morning as OISE’s second year Master of Arts Child Study and Education (MA CSE) teacher candidates presented their final Mathematics Inquiry Projects at a math mini-conference organized by Dr. Bev Caswell and the Robertson Team. Teachers, principals, professors and

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The Robertson Program has had the opportunity to work with the impressive numeracy team from the York Region District School Board to create a four-part PD series to deepen knowledge and understanding of geometry and spatial reasoning in the Early Years. Yesterday, our work together took us to Black River P.S.

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The Robertson Program team was invited by Seven Generations Education Institute to Treaty #3 Territory (Fort Frances, Ontario) last week to work alongside our educational partners at Seven Generations Education Institute and the Rainy River District School Board. Planning our upcoming conference with Seven Generations’ First Nation Student Success Program and
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Our work is highlighted in the 2018 volume of Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME), the prestigious publication published by the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. This volume highlights ways in which mathematics teaching and learning can be a humane, positive, and powerful experience for students who are Black, Indigenous, and/or Latinx.

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by Deborah Benhamu Prior to arriving in Canada, many Syrian refugee children experienced significant disruptions and/or limited access to education. Syrian students also face cultural and language barriers when integrating into the Canadian school system. As an  MA/CSE student, I approached OISE Professor Dr. Esther Geva and together we thought

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The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study hosted an exciting mathematics inquiry conference this morning as OISE’s second year Master of Arts Child Study and Education (MA CSE) teacher candidates presented their final Mathematics Inquiry Projects at a math mini-conference organized by Dr. Bev Caswell and the Robertson Team. Teachers, principals, professors and

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On March 29, JICS Grade 6 teacher Ben Peebles and JICS special education teacher Nick Song demonstrated to teacher candidates how coding is enhancing math education at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study. “Coding can really give us an opportunity to integrate authentic uses of mathematics,” Ben told

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