Robertson Blog

Thank you to our partners in education for an incredible 2017

The Robertson Program would like to thank everyone we work alongside for a truly exciting year full of creativity, ingenuity and adventure in learning. We feel incredibly fortunate to be invited into schools, communities and even homes – all in the name of building relationships through a common goal of making mathematics

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OISE hosts mathematics inquiry mini conference with MA Teacher Candidates

The OISE library was abuzz with mathematics learning this morning as OISE’s second year Master of Arts Child Study and Education (MA CSE) teacher candidates presented their final Mathematics Inquiry Projects to teachers, principals, and district leaders at a math mini-conference organized by Dr. Bev Caswell and the Robertson Team. Over three months,

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On February 21, the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (OISE/University of Toronto) hosted a public demonstration lesson for approximately 50 educators. Teachers at JICS have for many years participated in lesson study as a professional development approach to strengthen mathematics teaching and learning. This year, the Robertson Program

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The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) officially opened the doors to its new building last week and we were honoured to have some of our educational partners from Treaty #3 Territory in Northwestern Ontario join us for the occasion. Elder Nancy Jones and Jason Jones of Nigigoonsiminikaaning

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The Robertson Program would like to thank everyone we work alongside for a truly exciting year full of creativity, ingenuity and adventure in learning. We feel incredibly fortunate to be invited into schools, communities and even homes – all in the name of building relationships through a common goal of making mathematics

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The OISE library was abuzz with mathematics learning this morning as OISE’s second year Master of Arts Child Study and Education (MA CSE) teacher candidates presented their final Mathematics Inquiry Projects to teachers, principals, and district leaders at a math mini-conference organized by Dr. Bev Caswell and the Robertson Team. Over three months,

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This week, the Seven Generations Education Institute’s First Nation Student Success Program Teachers – Kim Kirk, Shelly Jones, Aimee Beazley and Jane Tom – were special guests in our Child Study in Education MA math course with the second-year teacher candidates. The FNSSP teacher team shared the inspiring work being

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