Robertson Blog

Joan Moss delivers keynote at Early Years Professional Learning Day

On Friday, September 8, about 400 teachers and early years educators met in Windsor, Ontario to think about mathematics teaching and learning in early years classroom. The event was organized by the Greater Essex County District School Board and The Mathematics Knowledge Network. There were two keynote sessions: one by

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Our spatial approach to math

Joan Moss and Zack Hawes explain the benefits of focusing on spatial reasoning in early years math with lessons for teachers to explore When Ontario was introducing full-day kindergarten in 2010, Robertson Program Research Lead Dr. Joan Moss was investigating and developing ways to enhance mathematics education in the early

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Robertson launches teacher placement initiative with Aroland First Nation

This year, The Robertson Program launched a new initiative to provide teacher candidates in the MA Child Study and Education program at JICS/OISE an opportunity to gain teaching experience in a First Nation school, in northern Ontario. Our long-time educational partners at Johnny Therriault School in Aroland First Nation enthusiastically agreed to

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On Friday, September 8, about 400 teachers and early years educators met in Windsor, Ontario to think about mathematics teaching and learning in early years classroom. The event was organized by the Greater Essex County District School Board and The Mathematics Knowledge Network. There were two keynote sessions: one by

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Joan Moss and Zack Hawes explain the benefits of focusing on spatial reasoning in early years math with lessons for teachers to explore When Ontario was introducing full-day kindergarten in 2010, Robertson Program Research Lead Dr. Joan Moss was investigating and developing ways to enhance mathematics education in the early

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This year, The Robertson Program launched a new initiative to provide teacher candidates in the MA Child Study and Education program at JICS/OISE an opportunity to gain teaching experience in a First Nation school, in northern Ontario. Our long-time educational partners at Johnny Therriault School in Aroland First Nation enthusiastically agreed to

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The Robertson team traveled this week to Johnny Therriault School at Aroland First Nation (three hours North East of Thunder Bay) to learn about their approach to land-based learning and student well-being. We were warmly welcomed by all the educators and school administrators Bill Beaucage and Marlo Sobush, whose powerful

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Anishinaabe community leader Liz Osawamick shared her stories and knowledge as a Water Walker with the Grade 4s at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) earlier this week. For the past few months, students in Robin Shaw’s class have been conducting an extensive inquiry into water. Liz’s

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The Grade Two class at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study travelled to Greenwood Conservation Area to release the salmon alevin they had been caring for in their classroom. The students bad been conducting an inquiry-based investigation into the life cycle and habitat of Atlantic Salmon and this was

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