Robertson Blog

Click here to read Education Today's issue on coding

JICS community offers insight on coding to Education Today

By Jisoo Seo and Zachary Pedersen The Robertson Program has been exploring ways in which coding can be integrated into the math curriculum as it is an important focus that many provinces have mandated as an essential component to future curriculum development. So, we are thrilled to be included in

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Table filled with student built structures

Johnny Therriault School in Aroland First Nation hosts its first ever student-led family math night!

By Bev Caswell, Zach Pedersen, Larisa Lam On Wednesday, February 8th 2017, Johnny Therriault School in Aroland First Nation hosted its first ever student-led family math night. Principal Bill Beaucage’s vision of a “family math party” involving students and showcasing indigenous knowledges was readily taken up by community members, OISE partners, teachers, staff and

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Click here to read Education Today's issue on coding

By Jisoo Seo and Zachary Pedersen The Robertson Program has been exploring ways in which coding can be integrated into the math curriculum as it is an important focus that many provinces have mandated as an essential component to future curriculum development. So, we are thrilled to be included in

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Classroom discussion on the carpet about a book

Lab School Teachers explore Treaties in Grade 5 and the Seven Grandfather Teachings in Grade 1 By Beverly Caswell, Jisoo Seo and Zachary PedersenYesterday, teachers from the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Lab School (OISE/UofT) held their annual Lesson Study, a professional development model that involves collaborative planning,

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Exploring issues of social justice through mathematics and science inquiry By Beverly Caswell There are numerous boil-water advisories in effect across the country, most of which are in First Nation communities. This means the water is unsafe to drink unless it is boiled before being consumed. Here are three examples

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Teacher playing the number line game with her students

By Jisoo Seo Cristol Bailey Nicole Thomson We are delighted to share that the Robertson Program for Inquiry-based Teaching in Mathematics and Science (OISE/University of Toronto) was featured in California-based news website KQED’s education blog MindShift! Author Katrina Schwartz spoke to Joan Moss and Zack Hawes about the importance of

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Teacher leads an algebra lesson using a spatial approach to illustrate growing patterns

By Dr. Bev Caswell This morning, the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Lab School (JICS) hosted a “Math Morning” that gave an opportunity for parents to see how math is taught and learned at JICS. It also gave me an opportunity to see the amazing math happening at the school!

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Table filled with student built structures

By Bev Caswell, Zach Pedersen, Larisa Lam On Wednesday, February 8th 2017, Johnny Therriault School in Aroland First Nation hosted its first ever student-led family math night. Principal Bill Beaucage’s vision of a “family math party” involving students and showcasing indigenous knowledges was readily taken up by community members, OISE partners, teachers, staff and

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