Oct 28
The Robertson team on the first day of class

Our first 2015 math curriculum class with OISE’s Masters’ students

Yesterday, Dr. Bev Caswell led first-year Master of Arts in Child Study and Education (OISE) students in their first mathematics education class. Over the next six weeks, MA students will look at mathematics from the perspective of a teacher and explore how best to support learners’ mathematical understanding through inquiry pedagogies. The course is about creating compassionate spaces that invite learners to engage with mathematical ideas and to participate in the exciting pursuit of learning mathematics.

MA students were introduced to clinical interviews, which are one-on-one assessments that uncover a student’s early spatial, geometrical and number sense.

The students also had the opportunity to explore early years’ math activities with Carol Stephenson, senior kindergarten teacher at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, OISE. They investigated composing and decomposing numbers, Cuisenaire rods, symmetry, sorting and Venn diagrams. All of these activities can be implemented in early years’ classrooms and detailed lesson plans can be found by following the links beneath the pictures.

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