Jan 27
An image linking to the scrambled egg math lesson

Quick Math Lessons

First year students in the Master of Arts in Child Study and Education Program here at JICS (OISE, University of Toronto) developed quick math lessons as part of the Introduction to Curriculum: Mathematics course taught by Dr. Bev Caswell and JICS teachers Carol Stephenson, Zoe Donoahue, Lisa Sherman, and Ben Peebles. These quick lessons are 20 minutes or less and develop student understanding of many math concepts. Lessons include a clear description of the activity, Ontario curriculum expectations, and ideas about how the lesson can be adapted to extend student thinking and how you can assess for student comprehension.

The very first lesson we are sharing, Scrambled Egg Math, is written by Bonita Lau. This lesson sees students problem solve through addition and subtraction of single-digit whole numbers using a variety of mental strategies. Children shake an egg carton so game tokens land on two numbers. They then roll dice to determine whether to perform addition or subtraction, create an equation, and solve it. Click here to for the full lesson plan.

We will be uploading more quick lessons in the weeks to come so keep checking back! We encourage you to look at our entire database of math lessons – it’s a great resource for educators hunting for fresh, new lesson ideas.

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