Exploring Food Insecurity using Financial Literacy Using mathematics to understand food insecurity highlights factors that influence one's ability to access food. Due to the supply issues resulting from the pandemic,... read more →
Rethinking Early Years Math Assessment in the First Days of School Assessment: What research says Dr. Julie Comay on balancing assessment and relationship Teacher Insight: Nursery to SK... read more →
Learning basic math facts using playful memorization When the Ontario government rolled out its new math curriculum in 2020, it was touted as a “back-to-basics” approach. “We’re focusing on fundamental... read more →
In a past blog, we discussed the power of games to promote and reinforce mathematical thinking. As we head into this unusual holiday season a year later, it seems a good... read more →
The inherent structure of games develop mathematical skill and understanding. Dr. Julie Comay and Dr. Zack Hawes explain how to choose a game that motivates learning. Dr. Eric Jackman Institute... read more →
First year students in the Master of Arts in Child Study and Education Program here at JICS (OISE, University of Toronto) developed quick math lessons as part of the Introduction to Curriculum:... read more →