Hundreds of studies across a variety of contexts have demonstrated the unique capacity of number line models to ground student understanding of numerical quantities and relationships. Number lines make explicit... read more →
Grade 4/5 Teacher Zoe Donoahue shares how she reinventeda primary daily math practice so it met the needs of her junior studentsWhen I moved to teaching grade 5, I challenged... read more →
Effective mathematics instruction requires knowledge of both mathematics pedagogy and mathematical content. Yet many elementary teachers express lack of confidence in their mastery of math skills and concepts which may... read more →
Dr. Andres Bustamante is on a mission to design and implement playful STEM learning activities in the places that children and families spend large amounts of time. The University of... read more →
Youth from underserved communities will gain experience teaching math TELUS Friendly Future Foundation® is helping The Robertson Program for Inquiry-based Teaching in Math and Science provide youth from underserved communities... read more →
David Osorio will often use storybooks to pique his student’s interest in mathematics. The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study teacher has watched as children begin to relate to... read more →
Focus on Symmetry Symmetry is a concept with wide-ranging applications in the natural and cultural worlds we inhabit. Pervasive in the arts, it serves as a foundational idea in STEAM... read more →
Spatial reasoning:A toolkit with lessons Spatial reasoning:A toolkit with lessons Young children’s capacity to reason spatially has amazed The Robertson Program for years. In our work with classroom teachers, we... read more →
Understanding place value is foundational to conceptualizing number It is imperative that children understand how one number relates to another when navigating our base-ten-dependent society. Yet, an alarming number of... read more →
Four quick and efficient assessments that help educators better understand the mathematical strengths and needs of students. Along with each assessment, we've suggested lessons available in our free math lesson library... read more →