In this collaborative game, students try to keep the cumulative total under 99 until the deck runs out.
100 Frame Bingo
Students will practice arranging place value to compose two-digit numbers in this variation of Bingo.
2025: Create equations resulting in 1 - 100
Students are challenged to use the digits 2, 0, 2 and 5 only once per equation to create unique expressions for numbers 1 through 100.
Adding Up the Number Line
In this addition and subtraction game players attempt to arrive exactly at 500 on the number line.
Alphabetical Statistics
Using excerpts from books, students predict, collect samples, and compare their findings to make statistical inferences about larger sets of data.
The Animal Grid Game
Students love this offline coding lesson in which they get to be the zookeeper feeding animals.
Area and Perimeter
Students use the sum of two dice to create the perimeter and area of shapes on a grid.
Barrier Game
One student builds a structure and gives instructions to his/her partner to build an identical structure.
Base Ten Block Quick Image
Students recreate images composed of base ten blocks and calculate the sum of the blocks used.
Block Party
Using their spatial skills, students transform and relocate unique shapes on a coordinate grid, attempting to avoid their opponent's pegs.
Box or Not?
Students sort and classify 2D/3D figures by geometric properties and using spatial language.
Build a Structure from 3 Different Views
Students learn how to compare and sort 2D/3D images while using positional and directional language
Building with the Mind's Eye
Students visualize and build a figure in their mind's eye. Then they describe it for the class.
Can You Draw This?
Students combine art with math in this activity to express their knowledge of spatial language and geometric shapes
Can You Make a Square?
Students use spatial reasoning to create squares using different tangram combinations.
Can You Measure This?
Students measure objects with a ruler, but they can't start at 0 cm!
Card Collectors
Students work in teams to determine the maximum, minimum, mean, median, mode and range of a group of playing cards.
Closest To...
In this game, students develop place value comprehension, probability, and social-emotional skills.
Coding Pictures
Students practice coding skills in order to recreate an image.
Collect the Shapes
Children collect 2D shapes on a grid by giving directional instructions and answering questions on shapes attributes.
Copy My Flag
Students will practice their spatial language as they design and describe their geometric flags to their partner.
The Cube Challenge
In this lesson, students work together to build 21 unique structures out of 3, 4, and 5 unifix cubes. Can you build them all?
Daily Calendar
This daily lesson with many small activities gives students the opportunity to practice all five strands of math every day.
Designs and Patterns on Grid
Students read letter-number coordinates by creating designs and patterns on grid.
Dice Toss
Students engage in a simple probability experiment that only requires dice and mental math strategies
Dominoes Parking Lot Game
Students are given the challenge of placing dominoes in their corresponding parking spot.
Don't Break the Hex
Students cover hexagon blocks with pattern blocks in this don't-get-caught-with-blocks-in-your-hand game!
Students organize doubles from 0 to 12 in a way that makes sense to them. This allows them to see number patterns.
Doubling Numbers (Two of Everything)
After reading "Two of Everything," students explore number pattern rules by using a T-Chart to illustrate the relationships between whole numbers.
Draw a Structure from 3 Different Views
Students learn how to draw 2D/3D images while using accurate positional and directional language
Exploring Tangrams
The history behind tangrams is a great way to explore composition, decomposition and spatial reasoning
Finding 10s
Students use their knowledge of addition and multiplication facts to create 10s and multiples of 10.
Find Your Match
Students collect a matching number pair or two cards that add or subtract to a predetermined sum/difference.
Flip and Ponder
Students are challenged to create, transform, and compare improper and mixed fractions.
Fraction Bump
In this competitive game, students use equivalent fractions to lock in as many fractions on the game board as possible without getting bumped off!
Fraction Sudoku
develops skills in fraction recognition, comparison, and logical reasoning. Students practice analyzing patterns and applying problem-solving strategies collaboratively.
Going for Gold
Students use three cards to try to get as close to 15 as possible without going over.
Students attempt to minimize the value of their hand in this competitive card game.
Hexagon Card Game
Students race to completely fill in the outline of a hexagon using different combinations of pattern blocks.
Hole-Punch Symmetry
Students visualize how folded and hole-punched paper will look when unfolded.
How Many? 5-Frame and 10-Frame Inside-Out
Students develop their spatial structuring of numbers and strengthen their working memory to compose and decompose
How Many Dots Do You See?
Students use visual pattern/arrangement to develop how to recognize quantity with accuracy and speed
Lucky 7s
In this collaborative game, students create math equations with various mathematical operations to achieve target outcomes.
Math Code
Math Code is a collaborative game that allows students to read, represent, compose and decompose whole numbers in a variety of ways.
Missing Puzzle Pieces
Students develop reasoning and discussion skills by identifying the missing piece of a puzzle.
Metris: Multiplication + Tetris
Using dice, students work collaboratively to determine the length, width and area of a rectangle.
Multilink Cube 3D Quick Image
Students are presented with 2D images of 3D shapes and recreate them from memory.
Multiple Turnover Game
Students identify whether their cards contain multiples of a given factor.
Multiplication Mania
Children work their spatial reasoning and multiplication concepts in this strategic board game.
Number Hunt
Students practice one-to-one correspondence in this fun dice-rolling, bingo-dabbing game!
Origami Math
Students make connections between mathematics, history and visual arts, through origami.
Pattern Blocks Quick Image
Students visualize a series of pattern blocks and recreate them from memory.
Patterns in Lakota Star Quilts (Shota and the Star Quilt)
In this modern story of a Lakota family, Shota must save her apartment from redevelopment by creating a traditional star quilt. Explore patterning, symmetry, number sense, tessellation and proportional reasoning.
Pentomino Battleship
Students practice reading letter-number coordinates by playing a battleship game with a partner.
Planning a Party with Estimation (Moira's Birthday)
When the entire school shows up to Moira's birthday party, Moira must make quick decisions to feed all her guests! Explore counting, rounding, and estimation.
Playdough Fractions
Students listen to a math storybook and practice with fractional parts in this classic activity.
Pumpkin Inquiry (How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?)
When Mr. Tiffin challenges his class to determine which pumpkin contains the most seeds, Charlie learns small things can hold big surprises. Explore addition, multiplication, data management, and the relationship between size and capacity.
This 3-player card game reinforces student's understanding of the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.
Scrambled Egg Math
Children shake an egg carton and roll dice to determine whether they will add or subtract.
Secret Shape Code
Students develop spatial skills by practicing how to describe the location and orientation of different cut-out shapes
See It, Build It, Check It
Students recreate 2D and 3D geometric shapes from memory using math manipulatives.
Shape Name Game
Students develop the ability to identify and communicate the names of different geometric shapes.
Shape Shifter
Enhance students spatial sense using grid coordinates, geometric transformations and problem solving.
Shape Transformer
Students work together to understand transformations as a series of inputs and outputs.
Shape Slicer
Students are challenged to deconstruct geometric shapes into smaller shapes!
Shut The Box
In this simple game with cards and dice, student practice constructing and deconstructing numbers one to 12.
Students build and view a series of skyscrapers from four perspectives, ensuring no two towers in a row or column are the same height.
Smarties Graph
Every box of Smarties contains a different amount of each colour. Children graph what their box contains.
Solitaire Pyramid
Students work as a team to remove all the cards in the pyramid.
Solve the Broken Tangram Puzzle (The Warlord's Puzzle)
Students use seven shapes to complete tangram puzzles. Students work in pairs, using spatial language to explain how to fit all pieces together.
Spatializing Area
Students use cutout shapes to understand the relationship between size, area and relevant measurements.
Square Moves
Students transform tiles from one configuration to another, using spatial language to communicate their thinking.
Square Tile Grid Symmetry Quick Image
Students recreate a series of reflections made of square tiles from memory.
Talking Tetris
Students use directional vocabulary to compose and decompose structures on a grid using various 2D shapes.
Target Number Game
Students select target numbers and attempt to scoop up that many countable objects.
Terrific Transformations
Students get practice visualizing and manipulating features of quadrilaterals as they compete to modify a shape using as few moves as possible.
The Same Change
Students develop financial literacy by creating different coin combinations with the same total sum.
Upside Down World
Students work with unifix cubes to rebuild "buildings" that have been turned upside down!
Students practice with number magnitude in a simple card game.
We Are the Same
Students are given a card with an equation, numbers or dots. They must determine who has an equivalent card.
Whole in One
Students work an assortment of cards from a standard 52 card-deck to create whole fractions through addition.